Sure Betts HR Newsletter September 2024

18/09/24, 04:00
Newsletter September 2024
This month, we're focusing on how to build an employer brand that energizes your team and leaves a great impression on your clients. We’ll also break down some trending workplace terms you should be familiar with. According to a recent Gallup survey, workplace loneliness is becoming a bigger issue. About 20% of workers feel lonely daily, and it’s even higher for remote workers at 25%, compared to 16% for those in the office. We’ll discuss how companies can address this and help their teams feel more connected. Shared Parental Leave (SPL) is also at its highest point, driven by shifting attitudes and better policies. And since October is ADHD Awareness Month, we’ll go over some simple ways to support employees with ADHD, which could be really helpful in diverse workplaces.